

Always be one step ahead of your rivals with suitable designs for fashion and up to date annual trends. It is an advertising product makes your brand stand out. Explanations can be applied on the card to indicate the information of the product, such as the production place, washing instructions, recycling steps, product content. Also, it facilitates the tracking of the product during the sales phase by applying a barcode on its backside.

We prefer raw materials like self-patterned papers (Tuale), bristol paper, coated paper, kraft paper, pvc, canvas fabrics. We use technical processing to these raw materials such as offset printing, hot gilding printing, silk screen printing, UV printing, embossing lacquer, embossing, crushing, plastering, cellophane and pedal cuts. As a result of these technical processes, we effectuate the hangtags in any shapes, sizes and patterns you need.

Waxed rope, twine rope, locked rope, brand printed clips and similar materials are tied and combined to the hangtags with the product. In addition to harmoniousness in all textile products, it is also very popular to use in other sectors. On the other hand, informs that the product has not been used.

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